Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Edisi 11 Jun 2023
On this occasion, topics are explored in relation to publications regarding rural community-based tourism in several regions in Indonesia. Planning about tourism development in some regions also being considered by some authors. Another topic about behaviour among Generation Z also appears in the discussion of their perception in traveling activities.
We also grateful to the authors, reviewers, and the editorial board and the entire team involved in publishing this edition. We hope you find it valuable. See you in the next issue.
Editor in Chief
Setiawan Priatmoko
Analisis beban kerja room attendant di asialink hotel kota Batam
Evaluasi pengembangan desa wisata, studi kasus pada desa wisata Pacarejo Gunungkidul
The influence of e-wom on instagram, destination image and domestic tourist satisfaction on the intention to revisit Jakarta aquarium and safari
What motivates Generation Z to travel independently? Preliminary Research of solo travellers
Upacara tradisi Gumbreg Ageng sebagai daya tarik wisata budaya Muntuk, Dlingo, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Perencanaan paket dan jalur trekking agrowisata petualangan Rawa Gede coffee tour di desa Sirnajaya, Sukamakmur, Bogor, Jawa Barat